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Monday, March 16, 2015
(Optional; Separate Registration Required)
8:00 a.m. |
Registration Opens
As a nation, we can't afford a healthcare system that costs so much but has such a poor return on investment for health. Wasteful spending is taking away from our education system, our workforce and our nation's competitiveness. But we can't contain costs without understanding them. The first step to ensuring our resources are well used is to know where they are going. In order to solve this national dilemma, we need transparent, standardized, actionable healthcare cost reporting. The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement has been leading a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation pilot to develop and produce information to enable communities to reduce the total cost of care in multiple regions with replicable, multi-stakeholder driven strategies. The results of this pilot demonstrate what can be done and what barriers remain.
Be the first to hear from...
- Physicians who will talk about how they can use cost and resource use information to lead change in their communities;
- Pilot participants who are tackling the technical, political and cultural barriers and coming up with strategies to overcome them;
- Technical experts who will share what it takes to calculate the Total Cost of Care and Resource Use and their insight into attribution, risk adjustment, data quality and vendor management issues
8:30 a.m.
Why Total Cost of Care Matters
Mylia Christensen
executive director, Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation, Portland, OR
Elizabeth Mitchell
president and chief executive officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Portland, ME
Speaker Bio
Elizabeth Mitchell is CEO of the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, a national network of 30+ Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives. Elizabeth was CEO of the Maine Health Management Coalition, leading public reporting, consumer engagement, and payment reform efforts and established the MHMC Data and Analytics program, becoming the nation's 4th Qualified Entity. MHMC was named ‘Implementation Partner' in Maine's State Innovation Model grant. Elizabeth serves on the National Quality Forum Board and Coordinating Committee of NQF's Measure Application Partnership and served on the National Business Coalition on Health Board. Elizabeth worked for MaineHealth, Maine's largest integrated health system. She served two terms in the Maine State Legislature, and chaired the Health and Human Services Committee. Elizabeth held posts at the National Academy for State Health Policy, and London's Nuffield Trust. Elizabeth received an Atlantic Fellowship in Public Policy and completed the International Health Leadership Program at Cambridge University while pursuing graduate studies at the London School of Economics.
8:45 a.m.
Meaningful Measure Alignment for Real World Impact
Ellen Gagnon
senior project and operations director, NRHI (Moderator)
Speaker Bio
Ellen Gagnon, Senior Project and Operations Director for the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI), leads NRHI's multi-region Total Cost of Care Pilot, Measurement, Analysis and Action to Control the Cost of Healthcare at the Regional Level. With over twenty years of experience in the healthcare industry, she has led various cross-functional teams and projects including Behavioral Health Integration, Medical Expense Management Initiatives, Clinical Quality Reporting and implementation of innovative primary care payment models with web-based provider reporting and medical expense analysis tool supports. Ms. Gagnon has extensive provider contract negotiation experience from both the health insurer and provider perspectives.
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
Sue Knudson
vice president, Health Informatics, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN
Speaker Bio
Sue Knudson is senior vice president of health informatics for HealthPartners. She has more than 25 years of health care experience, including informatics and operational leadership roles in care delivery and the health plan.
In her informatics role, Sue has led the development of population-based total cost of care and resource use measures and downstream analytics and consulting services to help medical groups improve performance in resource use and total cost while at the same time improving quality and experience.
Jonathan Mathieu, PhD
vice president of research and compliance and chief economist, Center for Improving Value in Health Care, Denver, CO
Speaker Bio
Jonathan Mathieu currently serves as the Vice President of Research & Compliance and Chief Economist at the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Mathieu has played an integral role in development of the Colorado APCD since claims data submissions began in early 2012. Primary areas of focus for Jonathan and his team are:
- Coordinating CIVHC participation in state and national initiatives and research grant opportunities related to APCD development.
- Developing new and innovative uses of APCD data to support public reporting and implementation of new payment reform and healthcare delivery redesign re-design initiatives.
- Managing the CIVHC data release process to support innovative uses of claims data to support research, public health and health care operations purposes.
- Identification and implementation of quality measures to accompany comparative cost/price information reported through the Colorado APCD public website www.comedprice.org.
- Jonathan also serves as the CIVHC Privacy and Security Officer and is responsible for ensuring APCD data releases are consistent with joint FTC/DOJ Anti-Trust Safety Zone Guidelines.
Dr. Mathieu holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a B.S. in Applied Mathematical Economics from Oswego State University.
Michael DeLorenzo, PhD
director of Health Analytics, Maine Health Management Coalition, Portland, ME
Speaker Bio
Michael currently works as Director of Health Analytics at the Maine Health Management Coalition. In this role he has responsibility for developing data based solutions for purchasers and providers of healthcare services, including implementing data management and reporting systems for the Coalition. From 2006 to 2010 he worked at Health Dialog where he led domestic and international predictive modeling activities, developed metrics to measure provider driven variation in the delivery of healthcare services, developed Health Dialog's provider measurement system including metrics for effective care, preference sensitive care, and cost and utilization, and oversaw clinical development.
Prior to Health Dialog, Michael worked at the Maine Medical Center's Center for Outcomes Research on various research projects including investigations on the relationship between the intensity of diagnostic testing and therapeutic interventions, trauma outcomes, and other provider systems modeling. Before joining the Center for Outcomes Research he was a Professor at the University of Florida. Michael's graduate degree is in Quantitative Genetics from Cornell University.
10:00 a.m. |
10:15 a.m.
Engagement Through Transparency -- The Physician Perspective
Jay Want, MD
owner and principal, Want Healthcare, LLC, Denver, CO (Moderator)
Speaker Bio
Jay Want, MD, is the owner and principal of Want Healthcare LLC. He is also the Chief Medical Officer for the nonprofit Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), a public-private partnership that houses data from the state's All Payer Claims Database, and supplies those data to the public and private entities to the benefit of the people of the state. He serves on the board of the non-profit Rocky Mountain Health Plan, based in Grand Junction, Colorado. In January 2012, he was appointed an Innovation Advisor for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). He also currently serves as a commissioner on the Colorado Commission for Affordable Health Care (CCAHC).
Divya Sharma, MD, MS
medical director, Internal Medicine, Mosaic Medical, Bend, OR
Tamaan K. Osbourne-Roberts, MD
president, Colorado Medical Society and director of hospital medicine, Innova Emergency Medical Associates, Brighton, CO
10:45 a.m.
Community Stakeholder Resistance & Engagement
Elizabeth Mitchell
president and chief executive officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Portland, ME (Moderator)
Speaker Bio
Elizabeth Mitchell is CEO of the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, a national network of 30+ Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives. Elizabeth was CEO of the Maine Health Management Coalition, leading public reporting, consumer engagement, and payment reform efforts and established the MHMC Data and Analytics program, becoming the nation's 4th Qualified Entity. MHMC was named ‘Implementation Partner' in Maine's State Innovation Model grant. Elizabeth serves on the National Quality Forum Board and Coordinating Committee of NQF's Measure Application Partnership and served on the National Business Coalition on Health Board. Elizabeth worked for MaineHealth, Maine's largest integrated health system. She served two terms in the Maine State Legislature, and chaired the Health and Human Services Committee. Elizabeth held posts at the National Academy for State Health Policy, and London's Nuffield Trust. Elizabeth received an Atlantic Fellowship in Public Policy and completed the International Health Leadership Program at Cambridge University while pursuing graduate studies at the London School of Economics.
Jim Chase, MHA
president, Minnesota Community Measurement, Minneapolis, MN
Mary Jo Condon
senior director, Midwest Health Initiative, St. Louis, MO
Speaker Bio
Mary Jo Condon, MPPA, sees information and collaboration as the foundation for improving our nation's health care system. In her dual roles as a Senior Director for the Midwest Health Initiative and the St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition, Condon supports employers, physicians, health systems and health plans in determining shared priorities for action and developing aligned strategies to achieve improvement. Recent projects include Partnerships for Healthier Babies and the development of LiveWellSTL.org. Condon currently leads the Midwest Health Initiative's work to better understand and reduce potentially avoidable emergency department utilization and the Healthcare Regional Cost Measurement & Transparency Project to measure total cost of care and resource use at the community and physician practice group levels. At the Business Health Coalition, Condon supports employers in their efforts to better understand health care value and communicate it through employee communications, benefit design and provider reimbursement.
Meredith Roberts Tomasi
program manager, Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation, Portland, OR
Speaker Bio
Meredith Roberts Tomasi is the Program Director for the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation's Cost of Care and Payment Reform program. Prior to joining Q Corp, she was an Administrative Fellow at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Earlier in her career, she worked in the employee benefits arena for six years as a Benefits Manager for a large self-insured employer and as a consultant. Meredith holds a Bachelors degree from Wesleyan University and a Masters Degree in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard School of Public Health. She is an active volunteer with hospice program, serves on various alumni committees, and is learning Spanish.
11:15 a.m.
The Next Frontier
Elizabeth Mitchell
president and chief executive officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Portland, ME (Moderator)
Speaker Bio
Elizabeth Mitchell is CEO of the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, a national network of 30+ Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives. Elizabeth was CEO of the Maine Health Management Coalition, leading public reporting, consumer engagement, and payment reform efforts and established the MHMC Data and Analytics program, becoming the nation's 4th Qualified Entity. MHMC was named ‘Implementation Partner' in Maine's State Innovation Model grant. Elizabeth serves on the National Quality Forum Board and Coordinating Committee of NQF's Measure Application Partnership and served on the National Business Coalition on Health Board. Elizabeth worked for MaineHealth, Maine's largest integrated health system. She served two terms in the Maine State Legislature, and chaired the Health and Human Services Committee. Elizabeth held posts at the National Academy for State Health Policy, and London's Nuffield Trust. Elizabeth received an Atlantic Fellowship in Public Policy and completed the International Health Leadership Program at Cambridge University while pursuing graduate studies at the London School of Economics.
Kate Goodrich, MD
director, quality measurement and health assessment group, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baltimore, MD
Speaker Bio
Dr. Kate Goodrich joined the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in September of 2011 where she serves as Director of the Quality Measurement and Health Assessment Group in the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality (CCSQ). In this role, she oversees the implementation of 13 quality measurement and public reporting programs across ambulatory, hospital and post-acute care settings, as well as implementation of the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program ("Meaningful Use" Program). She also leads the CMS effort to develop and implement the CMS quality strategy, and co-leads an HHS-wide group to align quality measures and quality measurement policies across the Department.
Mylia Christensen
executive director, Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation, Portland, OR
Tara Oakman, MPP, PhD
senior program officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ
11:55 a.m.
Closing Remarks
Elizabeth Mitchell
president and chief executive officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Portland, ME
Speaker Bio
Elizabeth Mitchell is CEO of the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, a national network of 30+ Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives. Elizabeth was CEO of the Maine Health Management Coalition, leading public reporting, consumer engagement, and payment reform efforts and established the MHMC Data and Analytics program, becoming the nation's 4th Qualified Entity. MHMC was named ‘Implementation Partner' in Maine's State Innovation Model grant. Elizabeth serves on the National Quality Forum Board and Coordinating Committee of NQF's Measure Application Partnership and served on the National Business Coalition on Health Board. Elizabeth worked for MaineHealth, Maine's largest integrated health system. She served two terms in the Maine State Legislature, and chaired the Health and Human Services Committee. Elizabeth held posts at the National Academy for State Health Policy, and London's Nuffield Trust. Elizabeth received an Atlantic Fellowship in Public Policy and completed the International Health Leadership Program at Cambridge University while pursuing graduate studies at the London School of Economics.
12:00 p.m. |
Preconference Adjournment and Lunch on Your Own
Monday, March 16, 2015
1:00 p.m.
Welcome and Introduction
Sheila Burke, MPA, RN, FAAN
faculty research fellow, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy and faculty, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, chair, government relations & public policy, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, Washington, DC
Speaker Bio
Sheila P. Burke is a Faculty Research Fellow at the Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy and a member of the faculty at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She is also a Strategic Advisor and Chair of the Government Relations and Public Policy Group, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz.
Ms. Burke joined the Smithsonian Institution in 2000 as Under Secretary for American Museums and National Programs and in 2004 became Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer, a position in which she served until September 2007.
1:15 p.m.
Keynote -- Framing Transparency - What is it and What has Changed in the Last Year?
William H. Frist, MD
heart and lung transplant surgeon, former senator majority leader (R-TN), Washington, DC
Speaker Bio
Frist, currently a partner in the private equity firm Cressey & Co., represented Tennessee in the U.S. Senate for 12 years where he served on both the HELP and Finance committees responsible for writing health legislation. He was elected majority leader of the Senate in 2003, having served fewer total years in Congress than any person ever chosen to lead that body. His leadership was instrumental in passage of prescription drug legislation and revolutionary funding to fight HIV/AIDS at home and around the world.
As the founder and director of the first of its kind Vanderbilt Multi-Organ Transplant Center, Frist has performed over 150 heart and lung transplants and authored over 100 peer-reviewed medical articles and chapters and seven books on topics such as bioterrorism, transplantation, service, and leadership. He is board certified in both general and heart surgery.
Currently Frist serves as an adjunct professor of cardiac surgery at Vanderbilt University and clinical professor of surgery at Meharry Medical College. As a leading authority on health care, Frist also speaks nationally on health reform, government policy and politics, and volunteerism. Frist majored in health policy at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs before graduating with honors from Harvard Medical School. He completed surgical training at Massachusetts General Hospital and Stanford under transplant pioneer Norm Shumway, MD.
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
2:00 p.m.
Consumer Transparency Imperative
Elisabeth Rosenthal, MD
senior correspondent, New York Times; author, Paying Till it Hurts series, New York, NY
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
Panel Discussion
Donna R. Cryer, JD
president and chief executive officer, CryerHealth, Washington, DC
Speaker Bio
Donna R. Cryer, JD, has channeled her personal experience as an IBD and liver transplant patient into professional advocacy as president and chief executive officer of the Global Liver Institute.
Ms. Cryer brings the patient voice into policy and research deliberations through service to FDA, PCORI, ONC, and NIH. Additionally, Ms. Cryer serves on the Gastroenterology Board of the ABIM and the Boards of the Personalized Medicine Coalition and Society for Participatory Medicine.
Ms. Cryer received an A.B. from Harvard/Radcliffe Colleges and a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center.
Renée Martin-Willett
graduate student, Center for Medicine, Health and Society, Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Speaker Bio
Renée Martin-Willett will complete her MA at the Center for Medicine, Health and Society, and Certificate in Global Health at the Vanderbilt Institute of Global Health (VIGH), at Vanderbilt University in the Spring of 2015. Her work engages primarily with dimensions of psychosocial wellbeing for refugees in resettlement and others in forced displacement, and mental health and healthcare access in global health settings. She was named the 2014-15 Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Scholar for her study of a local refugee agricultural partnership program, which also received support from the VIGH Anne Potter Wilson award.
3:15 p.m. |
3:45 p.m.
Panel -- Purchaser Perspective: Issues and Challenges?
Andrea M. Ducas, MPH
program officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ (Moderator)
Speaker Bio
Andrea M. Ducas, MPH, is a program officer with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Andrea contributes to the Foundation's efforts to realize the highest possible value from investments health and health care investments, and to catalyze demand for healthy places and practices in communities across the country. Andrea leads programs related to payment and delivery system reform, purchaser engagement, price transparency, community health improvement, and strengthening health departments. Previously, Andrea worked in development and communications at the Center for Family Representation, a non-profit law and policy organization serving families at risk of separation by the foster care system. She was also the co-founding CMO of EveryDoc.com, which sought to facilitate information-sharing between medical professionals, promote practice improvement, and empower patients to seek out clinicians according to their individual needs and preferences. Andrea earned a BA from Brown University and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from Columbia University.
Leah Binder, MA, MGA
president and chief executive officer, The Leapfrog Group, Washington, DC
Speaker Bio
Leah Binder is President & CEO of The Leapfrog Group. She is a regular contributor to Forbes.com, the Huffington Post, and the Wall Street Journal expert forum. She was named on Becker's list of the 50 most powerful people in healthcare in 2014, and cited by Modern Healthcare among the 100 most influential people and top 25 women in healthcare in 2013.
Under her leadership, The Leapfrog Group launched the Hospital Safety Score, which assigns letter grades assessing the safety of general hospitals across the country. She has also fostered groundbreaking innovations in the annual Leapfrog Hospital Survey, including partnerships to eliminate early elective deliveries, central line-associated bloodstream infections and safe use of health technology.
Suzanne Delbanco, PhD, MPH
executive director, Catalyst for Payment Reform, San Francisco, CA
Speaker Bio
Suzanne F. Delbanco is the executive director of Catalyst for Payment Reform ( www.catalyzepaymentreform.org). Catalyst for Payment Reform is an independent, non-profit corporation working on behalf of large health care purchasers to catalyze improvements to how we pay for health services and to promote better and higher value care in the U.S. In addition to her duties at CPR, Suzanne serves on the Coordinating Committee of the Measures Application Partnership for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Price Transparency Task Force of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute board, and participates in the Healthcare Executives Leadership Network. Previously, Suzanne was the founding CEO of The Leapfrog Group. Suzanne holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy and a M.P.H. from the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.
Janet Trautwein
executive vice president and chief executive officer, National Association for Health Underwriters, Washington, DC
Speaker Bio
Janet Trautwein is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) in Washington, D.C. NAHU represents more than 100,000 employee benefits professionals involved in the design, sale, implementation and management of health plans all over the United States. Her responsibilities include oversight of all NAHU activities and primary representation of the association to the public. A frequent speaker on health policy issues, Janet has been asked to testify before Congress numerous times, and has been published in major newspapers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs around the world.
Sally Welborn
senior vice president, global benefits, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Fayetteville, AR
Speaker Bio
Sally is responsible for overseeing the global benefits programs for Walmart's more than 2.2 million associates and their families in twenty-eight countries. With more than 30 years of experience, Sally has a deep perspective of the health care industry, an in-depth knowledge of retirement plan design and significant experience in managing total rewards programs.
Sally came to Walmart from Wells Fargo & Company where she was senior vice president, Corporate Benefits. During her tenure at Wells Fargo, Sally was responsible for the design and administration of all health and welfare and retirement programs for over 270,000 team members.
Sally currently serves on the board at three employer benefits coalitions, the National Business Group on Health, the Pacific Business Group on Health and the ERISA Industry Committee.
4:45 p.m.
Panel -- Provider/Clinician Perspective: Issues and Challenges
Anne F. Weiss, MPP
director, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ (Moderator)
Dominick L. Frosch, PhD
fellow, patient care, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Palo Alto, CA
Speaker Bio
Dominick L. Frosch, PhD is a fellow in the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Patient Care Program. He oversees the foundation's activities focused on advancing patient and family engagement in healthcare. Dr. Frosch's translational research has focused on shared decision-making and patient engagement for over 15 years. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles and he currently serves as deputy editor for the Journal of General Internal Medicine. He completed his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of California, San Diego and a fellowship as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
Michael Van Duren, MD, MBA
vice president, clinical transformation, Sutter Medical Network at Sutter Health, Sacramento, CA
Speaker Bio
Michael van Duren, M.D., MBA, serves as Vice President of Variation Reduction for Sutter Health. Dr. van Duren uses a grassroots approach to engage physicians in analyzing practice patterns to reduce variation, increase quality and lower costs. Under his leadership, the clinical variation reduction program has grown to more than 400 projects and $30 million in savings. He also trains clinicians in leadership, change management and the art of communicating with patients. With more than 15 years of experience as a managed care executive, Dr. van Duren has held leadership roles in hospitals, health plans and physician groups.
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
Jay Want, MD
owner and principal, Want Healthcare, LLC, Denver, CO
Speaker Bio
Jay Want, MD, is the owner and principal of Want Healthcare LLC. He is also the Chief Medical Officer for the nonprofit Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), a public-private partnership that houses data from the state's All Payer Claims Database, and supplies those data to the public and private entities to the benefit of the people of the state. He serves on the board of the non-profit Rocky Mountain Health Plan, based in Grand Junction, Colorado. In January 2012, he was appointed an Innovation Advisor for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). He also currently serves as a commissioner on the Colorado Commission for Affordable Health Care (CCAHC).
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
5:45 p.m. |
Adjournment and Networking Reception Featuring Poster Boards
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